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Martha Tudor

Feb 20, 2025

Explore OpenSciEd Elementary- a free, recently-released HQIR for elementary science!

Explore OpenSciEd Elementary- a free, recently-released HQIR for K-5 science.

In this three hour session we will:

-Develop an understanding of the science classroom instructional shifts from "learning about science topics" to "figuring out science ideas" that this high quality resource supports.

-Build an understanding of the scope and sequence and release schedule for the elementary units.

-Identify instructional resources and future professional learning opportunities available to support the use of this HQIR.

-Explore the OpenSciEd supports and instructional routines that align with our three dimensional KAS Science standards.

If you support K-5 science education in any role in your district, please consider joining us to learn more about this free resource aligned to our Kentucky Academic Standards for Science.

AUDIENCE: Elementary School Administrators, Curriculum Coordinators, Instructional Coaches, Supervisors of Instruction and K-5 Teachers interested in learning more about a free elementary science high quality instructional resource

COST: $25 per person

CREDITS: EILA & PD - 3 hours

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